It didn't seem right not to pay tribute and mention our Mr. Biggs on the blog. He is such a part of our family and is really really missed!! We adopted Biggs (Alex) from Iowa in 2004. At the beginning of May he was diagnosed with cancer and it quickly took his life. You will never really know what a great dog he was unless you have met him!
You can see from this picture he never really liked having his picture taken. We always joked that he thought it was going to steel his soul. I will really miss him dancing for us and stomping his feet in the kitchen and looking at me with those big brown eyes. He always had a big smile on his face and truly was a gentle giant. We love you Biggs and we miss you so much! There will never be another Alex and it is not the same around our house without you. Thank you for bringing our house so much happiness, some people like to tell us we were crazy for having three dogs but they weren't around for all the good times!
Here is Biggs sitting on his favorite chair! Really anything with a cushion and pillows - he loves to put his head on a good pillow. Jeff and I would laugh sometimes he would be in such a deep sleep that when he lifted his head his facial hair would be sticking up - kind of like a human when they have sleep marks on their face!
This photo was taken on his last day - being Mr. Biggs he always wanted attention and would come up and put his nose under your arm no matter what you were doing. And watch out if you were giving someone else love - he wanted you to know that he wanted it too.
Remember when you brought him home? We are all up from Indiana visiting. He was a good dog right from the beginning :) Even Cody was there!
I'll never forget the story of him eating the trash bag and all the trash in it! We'll miss him!
Bye Mr. Biggs you had a great life here and now will have a great life in heaven!
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