Monday, April 12, 2010
Brother and Sister Love! Grandma Connie and Audrey - Easter 2010 Trying to get a good picture after church -Audrey is not happy and Sam and Carina are looking at? Carina - Easter 2010
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
On the way home from Minnesota we were able to stop and see Daddy's friend Merlin. Here is a picture of the gang: Sam, MCB, Avery, Carina and Audrey. The kids had a lot of fun playing together and it was nice to be able to hang out with Merlin and Kelly!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Goodbye 6508 Chamberlain... We had a lot of good times at this place and I know that we will never forget it! There are many things that I will miss but I am looking forward to making new memories! There is the big moving truck - it took a day and a half to pack and one day to load! Man it seems like we have a lot of stuff but 5 people tend to accumulate a lot!
Carina and Sam drawing outside while the movers packed. Radar wondering what is going on - he didn't seem to mind! The T.V. is gone - desperation required us to get out the portable DVD player! Carina and Sam standing by the tree we call "Carina's tree" - because we planted it when Carina was born.
A day with Dad. While in Minnesota, I did some training for my old work. Jeff had the kids, the movers were at the house packing all the "stuff", so off to the park Jeff and the kids went. Audrey swinging - she has had a really good time these past couple of weeks going to the park! Sam and Carina playing
Carina Sam Radar at the dog park Carina making a picture
While in Minnesota, we met up with the McGuires for some lunch and bowling. Carina and Gannon bowling. I don't think Carina has ever been bowling but she really liked it! Dad helping Carina and Sam. Carina is walking like she is a pro!
Hanging out at the park - mom trying to get a good picture of all three of the amigos - why is it so hard!!! Big girl! - Really she is my baby! Here is my big girl! Audrey's first time down the slide - not to worry I was very close :) - she loved it and wanted to do it about 5 more times... I love the look on Carina's face!