Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday we took the dogs to the 40 acre dog park so Cody could run and play! Everyone had a very good time. This is the first time Sam needed to see what was happening - and so it begins...
Big Sam sleeping - too much "girl" time!
My friend Wendy came to visit Saturday and Sunday on her way to her new home in Oregon. With her is Cody, it was really great to see both of them! Wendy had a lot of attention from Carina and Caroline (Allie's little girl) - many makeovers!
Sam really loves his hand!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Playing in my exer-saucer
Nice barbie and horse Sam! Has Carina been around?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
playing in the sandbox
Tummy Time
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Hoosh and Sam Carina had to borrow Jillian's jamies and she loved it! Grandma Betty and Sam - Happy Birthday Grandma Betty. We went to Pennsylvania to celebrate Grandma Betty's 80th birthday - the kids had a great time!
Carina, Uncle Tony and Dillon
Itsy Bitsy Spider Happy Birthday Gavin ReRe and Sam
On Friday we went to Toledo Ohio for Gavin's 1st birthday party - this is Gavin and Tony Carina saying she is so cold Carina and Jillian playing Sam and Jack Three Brothers - Gavin, Nathan and Dillon
Sam and his new hat Carina and Grandma Connie
this was soooo cool - on Thursday we took Carina and Sam to the Indianapolis zoo - this walrus came right up to the glass and started talking to us! So COOL!
My mom and I came around the corner to find Carina wearing my mom's boots! she actually could walk well in them!
Big Sam So Happy!
Spencer - my friend Heather's son - we were able to hang out Lucas, Spencer and Carina
Sam and Dad Big Sam I was able to get together with my grad school friends while I was in Indy - Isaac, Carina and Will. Isaac, Will, Jack and Carina