Thursday, December 27, 2007
We have had a lot of snow lately - so Daddy took me sledding! It was a lot of fun!
As you can see I now go poopie on the potty- I like my privacy so I'm not thrilled about this picture being on the website - but Dad thought it was hilarious that I was very content reading People and The Economist when he came back upstairs yesterday.
Christmas Day - we spent the day with the Danelius family - Soren is showing me how a garbage truck works. This is my friend Anders
Christmas morning! I opened a "real" kitty from Uncle Will and Aunt Emily! It purrrs, meows, blinks it's eyes and wags its tail! I love it!
Leia keeps watch over Santa's cookies!
We are wild monkeys!
Michele makes good cookies!
Gannon and I in front of the manger
This was our first Christmas away from family - we spent it with our second family the McGuires (Gannon, Michele and Brian) - we all went to Buca for dinner and then to the children's mass at St. Mary's of the Lake. Gannon and I had a really good time!
Peggy sent Radar, Leia and Mr. Biggs a present - Leia was very excited!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Grandma Connie sent me another package - a Nutcracker and a Barbie!
Gannon and Carina eating cookies after the display.
While waiting for Gannon to arrive I practiced taking pictures of my Dad! He is so silly! Not a bad photo!
Saturday I went to see the Nutcracker display at Macy's! I love the Nutcracker.
Me and Santa!
Looking for Santa...
I went to see Santa on Friday...
I had fun with Cousins in the tub at Aunt Karen's for the Purdy Christmas/Thanksgiving party!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I have to try my new outfit on.
Thanks for the new Christmas outfit and shoes Grandma Connie - I love them.
We had a Christmas get together- some of my friends came over to play (Gannon, Emma, Jack and Caroline).
Princess jams!
Grandma Connie has been sending me surprises each week until Christmas!! This is very exciting!!
Friday, December 07, 2007
Gannon and Carina getting ready for the Macy's holidazzle parade!